Chapter – 9
Physiology and Sports
In this post, we have given the Important Questions of Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 9 (Physiology and Sports) in English. These Important Questions are useful for the students who are going to appear in class 12 board exams.
Board | CBSE Board, UP Board, JAC Board, Bihar Board, HBSE Board, UBSE Board, PSEB Board, RBSE Board |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 12 |
Subject | Physical Education |
Chapter no. | Chapter 9 |
Chapter Name | (Physiology and Sports) |
Category | Class 12 Physical Education Important Questions in English |
Medium | English |
Short Answer Type Questions (2 Mark each)
Q1 Elaborate on the classification of personality given by Herbert Shelden.
Ans. Sheldon classified the body Into 3 different parts: He was an American psychologist who was born on 1, Nov 1898. He divided personality on the basis of three physical structures.
- Ectomorphy with Cerebrotonia: Ectomorph has a narrow shoulder, thin arms and legs, a narrow face, and a flat chest. They are slim and slender, thoughtful, quiet, self-conscious, pessimistic, and not fond of physical activity.
- Mesomorphy with somatotonia: Mesomorphs are likely to have athletic physic. Their shoulders are broad, chest narrow, arms and legs strong. They have more muscles than fat. They are courageous, adventurous, assertive, and competitive in nature.
- Enclomorphy with viscerotonia: Endomorphs have a round body characterized by wide hips, narrow shoulders, and the plump fact they have extra body fat on their body parts such as arms and thighs. They are relaxed, easy-going, fun-loving, and sociable in nature.
Q2. Write any two examples of Internal Motivation.
Ans. When a person involves in any sport to have the mastery to display superiority or to gain social approval is called internal motivation.
Q3. Stick to write any four psychological benefits of exercise.
- To improve self-esteem
- To improve mood
- To reduce stress and anxiety
- To improve motor teaching
Short Answer Type Questions (3 marks)
Q1. Explain the types of motivation. differentiate between “Internal” and “External” Motivational.
Ans. Motivation are two types
- Intrinsic Motivation:- In this type of motivation an individual is forced by his internal forces to achieve the goal In an intrinsic motivational state “an individual is motivated by their own desire not by any external factor” i.e. for enjoyment, for satisfaction, to show mastery over skills, to display superiority or to get social approval, fame, etc.
- Extrinsic Motivation:- In this kind of motivation, an individual is forced by external forces to achieve a goal such as a prize, praise, scholarship, grade, job, money, etc.
In the extrinsic motivational state, “an individual is motivated by some external factors.
Q2. Elucidate the term “Exercise Adherence. Write any two Reasons to do the exercise.
Ans. Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.
Exercise adherence refers to maintaining a systematic approach to exercise for a prolonged period of time following the initial adoption.
Reasons to Exercise:
- Psychological ReasonSuperiority,frustration
- Biological and physiological reason-struggle for survival
- SocialReason- Cooperation,compete
- Economical Reason – earn to live
- To perform the daily tasks efficiently.
- To prevent disease and disorder.
- To improve the working efficiency of all organs.
- To adjust with working place or society.
- To slow down the aging process.
(a) To Improve the working efficiency of all organs: Through participation in an exercise programme, Individual learn about the body and Its functional value In daily life. Exercise helps to maintain or Increase the efficiency of all organs of the body which helps to lead a happy life.
(b) To perform the daily task efficiently: Exercise not only helps to maintain or develop the physical fitness of an individual but also helps to develop self-esteem, perception, and relaxation. Reduce frustration etc which helps him/her to perform the daily task efficiently.
Q3. Write any six benefits of exercise. or Enumerate any six reasons to exercise.
- Prevention from major diseases. like coronary heart disease diabetes etc.
- Helpful to Improve personality.
- Helpful to improve the working of various systems such as the cardiovascular system, digestive system, etc.
- Helpful to improve physical fitness as well as health-related fitness.
- Helpful to improve group behaviors, attention, and concentration.
- Help to make good habits such as discipline, hard-working, etc.
Short Answer Type Questions (5 Mark each)
Q1. Define personality, and write any four traits of the Big-5 theory of Personality in detail.
Ans. The word personality is derived from the Latin word “Persona” which means “Mask”. But It has a broader meaning like Biological Appearance, Psychological. Tolerance and sociological.Character. The following are the traits of a Big-5 personality.
1. Openness Traits: The assessment of openness traits shows how the person is
- Imaginative
- Insightful
- having a variety of Interest
- with a degree in Intellectual Curiosity
- creative
- able to enjoy the new experiences
- able to learn new changes & concept
2. Consclentlonsuess: The assessment of this trait shows how the person is able to
- Compete with life challenges
- control self discipline
- To act dutifully
- To plan & organize
- Work independently
- To do hard work
3. Extraversion: The assessment of this trait shows how the person.
- is energetic
- has positive emotions
- has Assertiveness
- is sociable
- is talkative
- is fun-loving
- has friendly nature or has a tendency to make new friends
- able to get affection from other
4. Agreeableness: The assessment of this trait shows how the person.
- has a sense of cooperation
- is systematic
- is kind
- is friendly
- is gentle
5. Neuroticism: The assessment of this trait shows. How the person.
- has emotional stability
- is able to control anger
- is able to control the level of anxiety.
Q2. Vinod a physical education teacher trains athletes In his school His student Haseen has not been performing well for the past few days. Vinod used some motivational techniques to improve his performance. Enlist the techniques used by Vinod and explain any four of them.
Ans. The following are motivational techniques used in sports evaluation, variety, and the Role of spectators. Criticism.Modern equipment, Length of practice. level of aspiration/Goal setting Innovative curriculum, Reward punishment, Praise Appreciation, Competition feedback, self-appraisal, social pressure, Grading and reward, Success Achievement,
Role of media
“Motivation is the general level of arousal to action in an individual”.
The following mentioned techniques of motivation are applied to sportspersons, which can enable them to achieve the top position In the field of sports and games.
- Evaluation:- Evaluation makes and aware sportsmen of their abilities and motivates him/her to a higher position.
- Variety:- VarietyInthe training programme make the practice more interesting and always motivates the sportsman to perform better to best.
- Role of Spectators:- The presence of audience spectators helps the sportsman to perform In dynamic form too.
- Criticism:- Crlllclsm for the poor performance of an athlete motivate to perform better.
- Cash Prizes, Scholarship, etc:- Good Incentives to the sports persons always motivate and strive hard to achieve better in the competitions.
- Latest Equipment:- Use of the latest equipment training make the training more interesting and motivates the athletes to achieve the goal.
- Practice Session:- By reducing the length of practice an athlete is motivated to continue in their training and to achieve their goals.
- Resetting of Goal:- Resetting of goal from easy to complex motivates the athlete to continue in training to achieve the goals.
- Awards:- Awards for good performance of an athlete motivate him to do better.
- Praise:- Praise given by society for the performance of athletes always motivated athletes to do better.
- Positive Environment:- The environment makes it more interesting by including the music audience etc. and an interesting environment help to perform better.
- Role of Mass Media:- When the performance of an athlete is telecasted by media he is motivated to perfonn well, to get praise from society.
- Record:- The record is always aware an athlete of his current performance and his past performance which help to motivate him to perform better.
- Jobs:- On the basis of achievement and educational qualifications, outstanding sportspersons should be offered good jobs. There are various department -Police, Bank, Railways, AirIndia, etc. offer good jobs. This opportunity is also a motivating force.
- Feedback:- With the help of feedback an athlete can remove easily negative favors from his performance and try to perform better.
- Sharing Responsibilities:- Sharing responsibilities always helps to develop and motivate an individual to perform well. (Explanation of any four points in detail).
Q3. Participation In the exercise programme for a long time helps to develop physiologically, psychologically, and sociologically individuals In society Justify.
Ans. exercise is any body activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness, following are the benefits of exercise.
(1) Physiological Benefits
Improve the working of various systems such as
- Cardiovascular System
- Cardiac output and stroke volume Increases
- The elasticity of blood arteries increases
- Normal blood pressure
- Heart rate per minute decreases
- Respiratory System
- Min. volume and Tidalvolumeincreases
- Respiratory rate per min decreases
- Vital capacity and total lung capacity increase.
- Muscular System
- Size of the muscles increases
- Storage capacity of muscle increases
- Maintained muscle tone
(2) Psychological Benefits
- Stress and anxiety level: Participation in exercise release good hormones In our body Which helps to reduce stress and anxiety level.
- Personality: Participating in exercise promotes all the dimensions of personality such as physical, mental, social, and emotional.
- Intelligence and memory: Participation in exercise has a good effect on the working of the nervous system which helps to increase the level of intelligence and memory.
- Recreation: Participation in exercise is one good source of recreation so helpful to recover from mental fatigue.
- Group behavior: Participation in exercise is helpful to improve group behaviors as at the time of exercise person has to do exercise with his/her group member which is helpful in improving group behavior.
(3) Health & fitness related benefits
- Helpful to prevent diseases like cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc.
- Helpful to improve the components of physical fitness such as strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, etc.
- Helpful to improve the components of health-related fitness such as muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, body composition, etc.
- Helpful to maintain a healthy weight.
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