Chapter – 4
Thinkers, Beliefs, and Buildings
In this post, we have given the Important Questions of Class 12 History Chapter 4 (Thinkers, Beliefs, and Buildings) in English. These Important Questions are useful for the students who are going to appear in class 12 board exams.
Board | CBSE Board, UP Board, JAC Board, Bihar Board, HBSE Board, UBSE Board, PSEB Board, RBSE Board |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 12 |
Subject | History |
Chapter no. | Chapter 4 |
Chapter Name | (Thinkers, Beliefs, and Buildings) |
Category | Class 12 History Important Questions in English |
Medium | English |
1 Marks Questions
Q1. Write the name of any one Tripitaka.
Ans :
- Vinaya Pataka
- Sutta Pitaka
- Abhidhamma Pataka // Any One
Q2. Who did provide money for the preservation of the Stupa of Sanchi?
- Shahjahan Begum
- Sultan Jahan Begum
Q3. John Marshall dedicated his important volumes on Sanchi Stupas to whom?
Ans: Sultan Jahan
Q4. Jaina Teachers were known as :
Ans: Tirthankaras.
Q5. Who was the first ‘ Bhikhuni ‘ in Buddhism .
Ans: Maha prajapati Gautami
Q6. What was the birth place of Gautama Buddha.
Ans: Lumbini
Q7. Were did he attain enlightment.
Ans: Bodh Gaya
Q8. Where did he give his first serman
Ans: Sarnath
Q9. Where did he attain Nirvana?
Ans: Kushi Nagar
Q10. Define Mahayana?
Ans: Mahayana: by the first century C.E. there is evidence of changes in the Buddhist way of thinking, which was called Mahayana. An idol of Buddha was worshipped.
Q11.Define Hinayana.
Ans. Hinayana: Those who adopted the older tradition were known as Hinayana.
Q12.What is Vaishnavism?
Ans. Vaishnavism is a sect of Hinduism within which Vishnu was worshiped as the principal deity.
Q13.What is Shaivism?
Ans: Shaivism- A tradition within which shiva was regarded as the chief god.
Q14. what do you know about Tirthankars?
Ans. Those who guide men and women across the river of existence.
Q15. What is Tripitaka?
Ans. After Buddha’s Death his teachings were compiled by his disciples These compilations were known as Tripitaka. S. A.
3 Marks Questions
Q16 What were the main principles of Jainism?
- The entire world is animated
- The cycle of birth and rebirth is shaped through karma.
- Ahimsa is the supreme virtue of this religion.
Q17. What do you understand of early Vedic Tradition?
- Early Vedic tradition known from the Rig-Veda compiled between c. 1500 and 1000 B.C.E.
- The Rig-Veda consists of hymns in praise of a variety of deities, especially Agni, Indra, and soma.
Q18. What is the Jaina philosophy on birth and rebirth?
- According to Jainism the Cycle of Birth and Rebirth is shaped through karma. – Asceticism and Penance are required to free oneself from this cycle.
- This can be achieved only by renouncing the world.
Q19. How do we know about the Buddha’s Teachings?
- These have been reconstructed by carefully editing, translating and analysing the Buddna’s texts mentioned earlier.
- Historians have also tried to reconstruct details of his life from hagiographies.
Q20. What do you mean by Dharma Chakra Pravartana?
Ans. Dharma Chakra Pravartana means to set in motion the wheel of Dharma; the first religious discourse of sermon delivered by Mahatma Buddha after attaining nirvana.
Q21. Describe Hinayana and Manayana
Mahayana: by the first century C.E. there is evidence of changes in the Buddhist way of thinking which was called Mahayana. The idol of Buddha was worshipped.
Hinayana: Those who adopted the older tradition were known as Hinayana.
Q22. What are Vaishnavism and Shaivism?
- Vaishnavism is from Hinduism within which Vishnu was worshipped as the principal deity.
- Shaivism- A tradition within which shiva was regarded as the chief god.
Q23 What do you mean by the Kutargarashala.
Ans. Teachers Travelled from Place to Place trying to convince one another as philosophy or the way they understand the world. Debates took place in the kuta rgarashala. Literally a hut with a pointed roof.
Q24. Write causes for the popularity of Buddhism.
- Many people dissatisfied with existing religious practices and confused by the rapid social changes taking place around them.
- The importance to conduce and values rather than claims of superiority bases on Birth.
- Younger and weaker than one self were ideas that men and women to Buddhism were trained.
Q25. Discuss the Role of the begums of Bhopal in preserving the stupa of Sanchi.
- Sahajan Begum and Sultan Jahan Begum provided money for the preservation of the ancient side.
- Sultan Jahan Begum funded the museum that was built
- A guest house was provided where John Marshal wrote the volume.
- She also funded the publication of the volumes.
Q26. Describe the unique features of the early temples.
- The First Temples to House images of gods and goddesses were also being built.
- The early temples were a small square room called the garbhagriha. – A Tall structure, known as the shikhara.
- Temple walls were after often decorated with sculpure.
Q27. Why is the mid first millennium BCE is regarded as a turning point in world history?
- This time emergence of Zarathustra in Iran, Kongzi in china, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in Greece
- Mahavira and Gautama Buddha among many others in India, tried to understand the mysteries of existence and the relationship between human beings and the cosmic order.
8 Marks Questions
Q28. Describe the factors that led to the growth of Puranic Hinduism in India During the 6th century BCE.
- Concept of Saviour was not unique to Buddhism we find similar Ideas being developed in Hinduism.
- These included Vaishnavism and Shaivism.
- In such worship the bond between the devotee and the god was visualized as one of love and devotion or bhakti.
- Vaishnavism cults developed around the various avatars.
- Recognizing each of these local deities as a form of Vishnu.
- Shiva for instance was symbolized by the linga.
- To understand the meanings of sculptures. Historians have to be familiar with the stories.
- Women and shudras who did not have access to Vedic learning.
- Much of what is contained in the puranas evolved through interaction.
We hope that Class 12 History Chapter 4 (Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings) Important Questions in English helped you. If you have any queries about class 12 History Chapter 4 (Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings) Important Questions in English or about any other notes of class 12 History in English, so you can comment below. We will reach you as soon as possible…