Chapter – 6
Manufacturing Industries
In this post, we have given the Important Questions of Class 10 Social Science Chapter 6 (Manufacturing Industries) in English. These Important Questions are useful for the students who are going to appear in Class 10 exams.
Board | CBSE Board, UP Board, JAC Board, Bihar Board, HBSE Board, UBSE Board, PSEB Board, RBSE Board |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | Social Science |
Chapter no. | Chapter 6 |
Chapter Name | (Manufacturing Industries) |
Category | Class 10 Social Science Important Questions in English |
Medium | English |
Very short answer type questions
Q1. What is manufacturing?
Ans. Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing.
Q2. Which factor plays a most important role in the establishment of an industry?
Ans. Minimum/lower production cost.
Q3. What is the importance of manufacturing industries?
Ans. By the development and competitiveness of manufacturing industries the agricultural production increases and trade-commerce get support and efficiency.
Q4. Enlist the factors influence the location of industries?
Ans. Availability of raw material, labour, capital, market, sources of power, financial Institution etc.
Q5. What are Key or basic industries?
Ans. The industries on which other industries are dependent for raw material and production e.g. iron and steel industry, aluminium industry, smelting industry etc.
Q6. Which iron and steel plant of India is established with the German collaboration?
Ans. Rourkela(Orissa)
Q7. When and where the first successful cotton industry was established in india?
Ans. In Mumbai 1854,
Q8. Which agency provide steel for public sector in market?
Ans. Steel Authority of India Limited(SAIL)
Q9. Write any one reason why the plants of cement industry are established in Gujarat?
Ans. In Gujarat the Industry has suitable access to the market in the Gulf countries.
Q10. When and where the first cement industry was established in India?
Ans. In Chennai 1904.
Q11. Name the electronic capital of India?
Ans. Bengaluru
Q12. What does Secondary Activities (industries) mean?
Ans. People employed in the secondary activities (Industries) manufacture the primary materials into finished goods
Q13. In which industry lime stone is used as a raw material?
Ans. Cementindustry.
Q14. Why Perambur (Tamil Nadu) is famous?
Ans. For Rail coach and goods coach manufacturing.
Q15. Which is the largest producer of Jute in the world ?
Ans. Bangladesh
Q16. In which state Bhilai Steel plant is located
Ans. Chhattisgarh.
Q17. Name the Industries which increase the air pollution?
Ans. Smelting industry, Chemical and Paper industry, Oil refineries, brick kilns.
Q18. Name the industries which increase the noise pollution?
Ans. Generators, Industrial and Construction activities, machinery, factory equipment, saws and pneumatic and electric drills.
Short/Long answer type questions-
Q1. Describe the three physical factors affecting the location of industries?
- Availability of raw material.
- Energy and power resources.
- Suitable climate.
- Land
- Availability of water. (Inexpensive and abundant in case of some industries like Jute)
Q2. Mention about the three human factors effecting the location of an industry.
- Labour
- Capital
- Bazaar/Markets’
- Services like Transport, Communication, Banking, Insurance etc.
- Financial advice
- Government policies
- Infrastructure
- Entrepreneur
Q3. Distinguish between the Public and Private sector industries?
Public sector industries – Those industries which are owned and operated by any organisation of central government or state government such as Indian Railways, Shipping industries, Iron and steel industries of Durgapur and Bhilai etc.
Private sector industry-Those industries which are owned and operated by individuals or firms or companies. Such as Britannia industry which makes bread and biscuits, TISCO in Jamshedpur,
Q4. Why most of the jute mills are mainly located in West Bengal?
- The West Bengal is the largest producer of Jute in India.
- Abundant and inexpensive water from the Hugli river for processing raw jute.
- Cheap labour from West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh
- Supported by a good network of railways, roadways and waterways to facilitate movement of raw material to the mills.
- Inexpensive (Cheap) water transport and Kolkata port for export of jute goods.
- Being a large urban centre Kolkata provides banking, insurance and other facilities.
Q5. Why the manufacturing industries are considered as the backbone of economic development of India?
Ans. As a body gets shape only with the presence of backbone like wise the major base or foundation of the economy of a country is Manufacturing industries. As these-
- Help in modernising agriculture.
- Provides employments in secondary and tertiary service sectors.
- Brings in, much needed foreign exchange.
- Is helpful in providing unemployment and poverty.
- Increases National income.
- Fulfils daily needs.
Q6. Which challenges are being faced by the Sugar industry in India?
- This is a seasonal and short term industry.
- Sugarcane production per hectare is low.
- Old machines in use. Inefficient method of production.
- Need to maximise the use of baggase.
- Transport delay in reaching cane to factories.
Q7. ‘Agriculture and Industry are not separate but complimentary to each other’. Explain.
Ans. Agriculture produces raw material such as cotton, jute, sugarcane etc. for industries, in a big quantity. Industries provide fertilisers, insecticides, pesticides, machines etc. to farmers for agricultural development, which increases agricultural production. Industries have made it very convenient and easy to sell and send agricultural products up to markets.
Q8. What are the problems at before the cotton industry in India?
- Old and traditional technique.
- Low output of labour.
- Stiff competition with the synthetic fibre industry.
- Erratic power supply.
- Lack of new machinery and need of up-gradation especially in weaving and processing sectors.
Q9. Why the development of Cement industry is very important for our country?
- Essential for construction activity such as building houses, factories, bridges, roads, airports, dams and for other commercial establishments.
- Our cement industry provides best quality product.
- There is a great demand in Asian and African countries and within India also.
- This industry is doing well in production and as export.
- Decontrol of price and distribution since 1989 and other policy reforms led the cement industry to make rapid strides in capacity, process, technology and production.
Q10. How the liberalisation and direct foreign investment have made a rapid growth in the automobile industry of India ? Explain.
- The coming in of new and contemporary models stimulated the demands for vehicles in the market after the liberalisation.
- It led to the healthy growth of the industry including passenger cars, two and three wheelers.
- Foreign direct investment brought in new technology and aligned the industry with global developments.
- The industry had experienced a quantum jump in less than 15 years.
- At present there are 15 manufacturers of passenger cars,9 of commercial vehicles, 14 of the two and three wheelers
Q11. Which challenges are being faced by the Jute industry of India?
- Things from synthetic fibre are in the market.
- Synthetic fibre is cheap, compare to jute.
- The jute cultivation is very expensive and hard.
- Stiff competition in the international market from other substitutes is a big challenge.
- Bangladesh is a big challenge as a competitor while Brazil, Philippines, Egypt and Thailand are other competitors.
Q12. Describe the various measures taken by the industries to reduce the environmental pollution?
- Polluted water should be treated before draining in rivers.
- Reduction of smoke by using oil and gas instead of coal.
- Use of hydel power.
- Use of machinery which reduce noise.
- Solid waste like fly ash, phospo-gypsum and iron and steel slags should be treaded before open dump.
Q13. Describe the contribution of India’s information and technology industry in the economic development.
- Provides employment.
- Has been a major foreign exchange earner.
- The number of working women have been increased.
- The continuing growth in the hardware and software is the key the success of IT industry in India.
- Software technology parks provide single window service an high data communication facility to software experts
Q14. Describe the methods to make Indian industries up to the International standards?
- Political will power and a stable Government.
- Modern techniques and machines.
- Increasing energy supply
- Best working facilities to the workers/labours and improvement it their production ability.
- Increasing standards of production and international trade treaties.
- Making law and order better in the nation and abolishment of unnecessary labour laws.
Q15. Throw light on the rising importance of Tourism in India?
- Fastest growing tertiary sector industry of the world.
- Provides 250 million(2500 lakh) jobs to the people.
- Total revenue earned is 40% of Gross domestic product(GDP)
- A cause of development in trade and industries.
- Improvement in the basic infrastructure of the country.
- Helpful in maintaining and growing international fraternity (harmony). Many new forms of Tourism like medical tourism etc. have been popular in recent years.
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